Saturday, December 20, 2008

Lilit, David and Barbara

Lilit and Barbara stopped by for a visit on the way to taking Lilit to the airport for her return trip to Denver. I took a few pics while they were here. Hadn't seen David since he was new born. As you can see, he's grown some!


MaryAnn said...

He is a cute baby and he has grown - looks like a chunker now!

Shae, Jay, and chillin' said...

Nice to see you were able to visit. Mom said she wasn't sure they were coming, and that you might have missed them when you were running errands. Lillit looks like a happy mommy!

Barbara said...

It was a fun visit. Thanks, Dennis.

Lilit said...

for a second there I thought I was on my blog - so many pictures of David... Thank you for taking them, a big thank you ALSO for feeding me, you have no idea what good you did!! I hope you had enough left for your dish.
We had such a fun time!!! David is great, he is about 22 lbs now and I am a happy mommy!!! I think Barby has the cutest grandson of all!!!